Coming Soon... | Nashville Boudoir Photographer
I've tried to be patient. Really, I have. The fact that I'm about to share something with you that I've been working on for almost a year is a testament to that. Isn't it? I think that's pretty good considering that I'm the kind of girl that skips to the end of a murder mystery novel just to see who really did it and then goes back to reading the book. Just can't help myself. Anyone close to me knows just how important this project has been and is to me. Once the website is up and running, I'll share a little bit more with you about that and the plans I have for this "sister" business of Kimberly Barnes Photography. So the bad news is that you'll have to wait just a little bit longer. The good news? My lack of restraint means that you get a little taste of things to come:
Can't wait to share more with you!